
Recipe for the perfect shopping cart abandonment email

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Recipe for the perfect shopping cart abandonment email Returning to the store should be made as easy as possible so pay special attention on the links in your newsletter. Make the links clearly visible and give them a logical path.

The average shopping cart abandonment rate is as high as 78 %. Carts are abandoned due to many different reasons. For what ever reason the abandonment takes place, your potential buyers might return if a well-made cart abandonment email is sent to them.

Usually the shopping cart abandonment email is a graphic newsletter that is sent to the potential buyer's mailbox soon after the abandonment. We wrote a recipe for the perfect shopping cart abandonment email. 

Recipe for the perfect shopping cart abandonment email

1. Timing

A well made shopping cart abandonment email is received soon after the abandonment. Studies have shown that the difference in conversion might be as high as two percent depending on whether the email is sent in a matter of hours or within the next 24 hours. While timing the emails, we also recommend you to take a close look at your own recipients: on which weekdays or hours of the day are they most likely to open up your emails?

2. Subject line

A catchy and tempting heading is a crucial part of a well-made cart abandonment email. In order to come up with the best possible subject line you might want to try out A/B testing. With A/B testing you can explore different alternatives for the heading while the newsletter tool tests the alternatives on your behalf. The alternative that hits the best open rates on a test group will then be sent to the rest of your target group.

3. Visual appeal

Having an email that is visually appealing is vital. By visual appeal we mean two things: on one hand there's the visual look and appeal of the email and on the other hand how well it actually functions at the receiver's mailbox. While thinking about the visuality of your email it's also good to keep in mind that more and more people now open their emails with a mobile device. Thus a big part of newsletters are now designed responsive. With the visual look of your letter, we recommend you to pay special attention on the colours, high quality images as well as making your Call-to-Actions (CTA) stand out.

4. Content

The content of your cart abandonment email is probably the biggest factor in determining how many of the receivers return to your store. Returning should be made as easy as possible so pay special attention on the links in you letter. Make your links clearly visible and give them a logical path. Don't forget to add links on your pictures!

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Contact our eCommerce experts if you are interested to have a free online demo of LianaCommerce-platform. Our platform also integrates to LianaMailer which is a user-friendly newsletter tool to create your cart abandonment emails and email marketing campaigns with. Ask us for more info! 

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